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My encounter with the Sacred Heart of Jesus at a garage sale

A few years ago, I found an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the most unlikely place: strolling down the street of our neighborhood at the annual garage sale.

It was a huge surprise because I had been looking for something like this for at least a couple of months!

I stared at the image, hurt by its beauty. It was a perfectly drawn Sacred Heart in color pencil, but I hesitated about buying it because it looked old, it had some stains, and the golden painting from the frame was peeling off.

This is how the Sacred Heart of Jesus approached me: waiting, lovingly and patiently... He touched my soul through a silent display of humility, in a public act of burning love.

How could I say "no" to His ardent Heart? That summer morning, I said "yes". I brought the image home and I hanged it on one of the walls of my prayer corner.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque said:

"One day, during the octave of Corpus Christi, when being before the Blessed Sacrament, I received from my God extraordinary proofs of His love.

“As I earnestly desired to make some return of love, [Jesus] said to me: ‘You could not show me greater love than by doing what I have already so many times demanded of you.’

“And [opening] to me His Divine Heart: ‘Behold this Heart which has so loved men that It spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them Its love. And in return, I receive from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude, by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges and coldness with which they treat Me in this Sacrament of Love.

“But what is still more painful to Me is that even souls consecrated to Me are acting in this way. Therefore I ask of you that the first Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi be dedicated as a feast in honor of My Heart, and amends made to It in an Act of Reparation offered to It and by the reception of Holy Communion on that day, to atone for the outrages It has received during the time It has been exposed on the Altars.

“‘I promise you that My Heart will open wide and pour forth lavishly the influence of Its Divine love on all who will render and procure for It this honor.'”

-Fourth Revelation.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is still longing for us every single day. This is the greatest beauty and the deepest heartache coexisting in an eternal marriage where the sacrifice of the Lamb of God takes place. Our Lord loving us from the beginning of times until the end!

I wish I knew how loved I was in my saddest moments! I wish I was able to love him back in my youth...

Jesus, how powerful is your Heart! How perfect and honest and passionate to break us and heal us at the same time. In your own time.

This image has been a door to many blessings in our family. It reminds us that God loves us and await for us. It is a daily inspiration to love better, to try harder, to walk straighter.

Thank you, Lord for revealing me your love that morning and every new day. Thank your for never ceasing to amaze me with the "Humble Miracle"* of your Loving Heart beating in the Eucharist, and for the strength you give me to fight every battle.

(*Have you listened to this song by The Vigil Project? What a gem!).

Nelly Sosa was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico and started a new life in little town in Pennsylvania with her family 10 years ago. Catholic wife and homeschool mom of two one-of-a-kind kids and a joyful toddler, writer and editor at El Árbol Menta. She firmly believes that the Word of God, Eucharistic Adoration, the Holy Rosary and Apostolate will change every aching heart. She is devout to the Divine Mercy and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.


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